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Tiredness is the most common symptom of being ill, and the most common side effect of the treatment. Usual tiredness disappears after rest or sleep, but this is not the case with tiredness due to illness or treatment. This particular type of tiredness is called fatique.

There is not always a connection between what and how much you do, and how tired you feel.

Being tired can be limiting to your daily life, and can affect your mood.

After completing the treatment the tiredness will gradually subside, but it varies a great deal how long this will take. In some cases fatique will never disappear completely.

What you can do

Incorporate time to rest in your planning

Be open about your tiredness, and tell others what they can do to help

Prioritise what is most important to you

Create a balance between what you need - and what you want to do


In case of any questions. Please contact the Oncology Department. Telephone number are on your contact card or:

See contact information on our web site