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You may experience skin reactions on your hands and feet, usually within the first 3-4 weeks.

Most patients will only experience mild symptoms such as: redness, soreness, swelling, changed sensitivity, numbness, tingling and burning sensations.

Some patients may experience more pronounced symptoms such as: pain, rough skin, blisters, sores and peeling skin.

The most severe symptoms often occur, where the skin is exposed to pressure, e.g. heel, big toe, pad underneath the toes and on the thumb.

The symptoms may diminish during the course of the treatment, and will disappear after the treatment is completed.

What you can do

Keep your finger and toenails short and clean

Avoid soapy foot baths as they dry out the skin

Avoid illfitting footwear

Wear woolen or cotton socks and stockings

Use silicone inserts in your shoes

Avoid putting pressure on your hands and feet

Avoid standing on your feet for long periods

Use gloves when working in the garden or around the house

Protect your hands against the cold by using gloves


In case of any questions. Please contact the Oncology Department. Telephone number are on your contact card or:

See contact information on our web site